Alice in Hennyland

(Coming soon as NFTs)

β€œI like to imagine 6 impossible things before breakfast.”

This collection began in 2014 and is inspired by the tale of Alice in Wonderland. Alice in Wonderland is really about a young woman’s journey into consciousness. It’s about the path to enlightenment and following that path!

Like Alice, some of us are called to take this journey. And also, like Alice, in a world of wonderland or in this case β€œHennyland”, danger and confusion can arise, however, there are opportunities for growth and expansion along the journey of consciousness. In todays modern western society many times we use partying, drinking, smoking, or in this case Hennessy to ease the discomfort of spiritual growth.

The tale of Alice begins when she falls down a rabbit hole and is trapped in time and space; which is symbolic of how we are all in search of the path to truth. Many of us are trapped by the delusion of self. The misbelief is that there is at the core of our being a separate, unchanging self or personality. But everything is subject to change in this reality where dust and moss grow. The truth is that we are all connected and we are all united. Everything is energy.

Alice quest is also our own: β€œwho in the world am I? Ah that’s the great puzzle. Who am I? She asks.” Alice begins her journey as her egoic self, which blurs the truth. And she has to learn many lessons in Hennyland. The journey of Alice is really one that we all go through. The journey of eliminating the egoic self and the egoic mind in order to better know ourselves. Alice makes it clear that we need to see things in a different way; through a different lens in order to find ourself.

The truth is a pathless land. Welcome to Hennyland!


Grey Matter Collection


Moleskine Journal Collection